Stop the Hate Collective

Sign the Pledge!

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Arizona Communities say

Ya Basta! Enough!

TUCSON - Arizona communities are appalled at the level of racism and abject lies around migration, and specifically at the US/Mexico border, being displayed by campaigners for political office. As members of community organizations, Indigenous Peoples, faith-based labor, and social justice groups, we are deeply alarmed and concerned with the hate, bigotry and violence against the immigrant communities that have become a 'must-go-to' political scapegoat. 

Campaigners for elective office are expected to be about how to better the lives of all of us, from the ongoing drought, and other impacts of the changing climate, to the emergencies facing public schools and the threats to public health, yet these political campaigners have opted for migrant and Mexican-bashing as the key to their election.

We call upon our government, businesses, corporations, and media,  to assume responsible leadership by signing and promoting the pledge to stop the hate that  is poisoning the social fabric of the country.


Recent News


PIMA County Board of Supervisors Proclamation 09/19/2023

The Board of Supervisors has passed and adopted  Take the Pledge to  Resist the Hate Speech Proclamation. The text of the Proclamation is HERE  and HERE 

Adelita Grijalva, PIMA County Board of Supervisors and members of the Stop the Hate Collective present during the official presentation of the Proclamation

Contact Local Elected Politicians - Tucson   Click HERE 

UN Definition of Hate Speech Click HERE 

In common language, “hate speech” refers to offensive discourse targeting a group or an individual based on inherent characteristics (such as race, religion or gender) and that may threaten social peace.

To provide a unified framework for the United Nations to address the issue globally, the UN Strategy and Plan of Action on Hate Speech (link) defines hate speech as…any kind of communication in speech, writing or behaviour, that attacks or uses pejorative or discriminatory language with reference to a person or a group on the basis of who they are, in other words, based on their religion, ethnicity, nationality, race, colour, descent, gender or other identity factor.”

However, to date there is no universal definition of hate speech under international human rights law. The concept is still under discussion, especially in relation to freedom of opinion and expression, non-discrimination, and equality. 

Hate speech is rising around the world 

Hate speech incites violence and intolerance. The devastating effect of hatred is sadly nothing new. However, its scale and impact are now amplified by new communications technologies. Hate speech – including online – has become one of the most common ways of spreading divisive rhetoric on a global scale, threatening peace around the world. 

The impact of hate speech cuts across many areas: from violation of human rights, promotion of violence, disruption of the peace to actively negate gender equality and encourage discrimination, racism, and economical inequality. 

Arizona: Introduction of Legislation

Governor of Arizona K. Hobbs disclosed that the state legislators have introduced 14 bills targeting the LGBTQ+ community

Fighting Hate

Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) monitor hate groups and other extremists throughout the United Sates and expose their activities to the public, and the media. Information web-page 

Immigrants: Refugees and Asylum Seekers  

Court of Appeal Reverses Supreme Court Ruling Re: Texas Immigration Law  SB4

Forbes 03/20/2024 by A. J. Semotiuk: Recently the Supreme Court of the U.S. temporarily allowed a Texas immigration law to stand. The U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals reversed the ruling; putting the law on hold until the full court could decide the  case. Click HERE  

American Immigration Council 03/19/2024: Texas SB4 Law sets damaging precedent for similar bills that endanger Immigrant Families. Click HERE 

Asylum in the United States 

American Immigration Council 01/15/2024: Fact Sheet. This fact sheet provides an overview of the asylum system in the United States, including how asylum is defined, eligibility requirements, and the application process. Click HERE 

Seeking Protection: The Right to Apply for Asylum 

Anyone fleeing violence, persecution, or torture has a legal right to seek asylum. That right is anchored in the 1951 Refugee Convention.

The right to apply for asylum: the protection granted to migrants fleeing persecution in their home countries, is enshrined in U.S. Immigration Law and International Law

10 things to know about the end of Title 42.  WOLA commentary: Click HERE 

Humanitarian Protection for Asylum Seekers

After three long years, Title 42 is set to end on May 11, raising significant questions about how asylum seekers arriving at the southern border will be treated. The Biden administration has announced several policies in advance, with more policy changes expected by May 11.

May 11, 2023. How to seek Asylum (under Biden's asylum transit ban), in 15 Not-At-All-Easy Steps Click HERE 

Nat. Immig. Forum, May 11, 2023:Q&A: What to know about the Biden Administration's New Asylum restrictions, Click HERE

The new federal regulations are being challenged in Federal Court, Click HERE  

What about US and International Law

Domestic law says that any non-citizen arriving in the US or already there – regardless of immigration status or how they entered – has a right to seek asylum. The recent federal  Asylum restrictions, known as the Circumvention of Lawful Pathways rule, have brought a protest from the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Click HERE  

Defund Hate: Invest in People their needs, and dreams 

Report: A vision for a transformative budget for U.S. Immigration. Click HERE  

For more detailed information on Immigration Click HERE 

Political Hate Quotes and Beyond  (Click HERE)

Nebrasca State Senator S. Erdman just argued that the state should pass a six-week abortion ban because there are too many non-white people living in the state. Erdman invoked the ''great replacement theory.'' ''Our state population has not grown except by those foreigners who have moved here or refugees who have been placed here.'' Click HERE 

Texas News, 05/18/2023. KERA by J. Aguilar: Texas Republican expand controversial bill that would create new border law enforcement agency. Click HERE 

The Hill, 05/15/2023 Mexican Ambassador lashes out at [Sen] Kennedy for `racist and xenophobic insults' link click HERE 

05/31/2021:  Texas' Governor, G. Abbott issued a ''disaster declaration'' as a preview of  the use of ''invasion'' clause  Click HERE 

Time Magazine, 08/31/2016 Here are all the times D. Trump insulted Mexico link click HERE 

Call to Action and Special Events 

Take action: 

When: Saturday 05/20/2023   Time:  1-2 pm           Where:  Raices Taller 222 Art Gallery & Workshop                  218 E 6th St, Tucson

3. You're invited to join us to welcome Todos Somos Florida, a caravan of immigrant activists making their way across the country visiting various cities from San Diego, CA to Tallahassee, Florida where they will attend a national gathering on July 1. They will be in Tucson today, June 26, for a press conference at 6 pm at Southside Presbyterian Church, 317 W. 23rd Street. 

You're invited to attend in support, in solidarity with, and uniting voices to declare: Boycott Florida due to SB 1718 and demand Congress legalize undocumented working families!  

4. A few action to denounce the hate group Moms for Liberty ( see NEWS above ) Click HERE 

5. Bystander Intervention to STOP HATE-based harassment. Virtual workshop hosted on Zoom. For upcoming Interactive Training. Click HERE  

6.  PEN America: Consequences of increasing toxic atmosphere online for writers and publishers report. Click HERE